[U.S E-NEWS] Drake Livestreamed His Concert For Sick Girl In Hospital Unable To Attend

Hate him or love him, you can’t deny the fact that Drake is a pretty damn good guy. Whether it’s giving away a million dollars like he did with “God’s Plan” video or making the dreams come true for young kids, the 6 God understand that his real gift is bigger than music and its giving back to the community and those less fortunate. Hell, just last week, Drizzy cancelled a concert in order to go say hi and make the dreams come true for a sick little girl who needed a heart transplant at a Chicago hospital. The heartwarming story made headlines all over the country and ultimately worked in Sofia’s favor as she was informed on Monday that she’s now indeed getting that new heart.

Well currently now in NYC for his 7-night run, Drake is reportedly about go see another sick girl at Mount Sinai’s hospital on Wednesday. Drizzy’s fan page, WordonRd, first reported the news on their twitter page, before the 6 God went ahead and said hi to the girl, named Kristin, during Monday’s night’s concert. “Kristin I love you. I’ll see you on Wednesday” he said.

It was also reported that Drake set up a live feed of the concert in Kristin’s room at the hospital because they wouldn’t clear her to go to the show. There’s no info yet as for how old Kristin is or why she’s in the hospital, but it’s awesome to see Drake doing this more often.

Check out the tweets & footage (below). We’ll continue to keep you posted moving forward. Respect to Champagne Papi.


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